Baby Pictures

Baby Pictures
Baby at 12 week sonogram

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

She's Still a Girl

Travis & I went in for our week 20 sonogram today, now at week 22.  Technically, we cheated when we found out Baby Cooper was a girl a few weeks ago.  The weather here in Texas was nasty and our midwife's group was closed for the entire day so we would have had to wait until today- almost 2 weeks later- to find out.  So... We found a really nice Sonogram center in Arlington to go to.

After today's sonogram, I'm really glad we found out this way.  The sonographer today sort of just wanted us in and out, not nearly as excited.  The sonogram was done on a very small screen where I had to crane my neck just to see.  The sonographer technically wasn't even with our midwives group so it wasn't a reflection on them.  I am just happy we found out the sex of the baby with someone who seemed almost more excited to see baby than we were!!!

Three lines means DEFINITE girl.  The sonogram before just showed a lack of anything else since little stinker had her legs crossed.   She was completely upside down this time, her head was facing down and her little legs were up by my belly button.  She's officially 1 lb now and will do nothing more than just grow for the next few months.  I feel like a house NOW sometimes so we'll see what happens but it's all for the baby.  I just hope Travis has a strong back to help get me off of things like couches, chairs, etc.

Travis and I started our Bradley class this past Monday.  Very interesting.  The Bradley Method is to prepare us for natural child birth.  I know, crazy, but ultimately this is what we would like to accomplish.

However, some of the things we are learning in the class are going to be more difficult than we expected.  Each class, they have the pregnant women sitting on the floor to practice our Indian style stretches... not the most comfortable place to be sitting for 2 hrs straight, with or without a pillow.  We have to provide a food chart each week to track my nutrients & make sure the baby is getting what she needs to thrive.  Surprisingly enough, I already have a lot of what I'm suppose to in my daily diet.  Oranges, eggs, proteins, leafy greens.  I'm lumping my daily dose of sausage into the protein category.

We were also able to start finalizing our registries.  And SOOOO happy!  We are getting a Buy Buy Baby right  by our house.  It couldn't be better timing!  Our Babies R Us really stinks by our house.

Other than that, I am doing really well.  Baby kicks mostly at night and after a big glass of OJ.  I am sleeping a little better now that I am back home with my boppy.  I am not napping nearly as often and I feel like my energy level is getting closer to normal.  I still have my moments of exhaustion though but they aren't nearly as frequent.

As always, thank you for following our blog and sharing in this exciting time with us!!!

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