Baby Pictures

Baby Pictures
Baby at 12 week sonogram

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Finding out the Sex on Feb. 9th

Hello Family & Friends.

For those of you who are following our blog, I thought I would add a new post to update ya'll on Baby Cooper's progress.

We are officially at 20 weeks (19 weeks, 1 day).  On Wednesday we find out the sex of the baby and it can't come soon enough.  Honestly, when people ask us if we have a preference, we always say "Happy & Healthy" which is as honest as it gets.  At least, our best bet is 50/50. 

I guess when I first got pregnant, I always thought we could guess the sex of the baby by indicators in the pregnancy.  Am I carrying high or low, what am I craving, have I been really sick...  The longer I am pregnant, the more I am fully convinced it is still a 50/50 guess at best. 

Stay tuned to the blog and I promise we'll post as soon as we know.

We felt the baby kick for the first time around week 16.  Since then, a glass of OJ and proping my feet up will usually get the baby moving.  It seems like the baby is pretty sleepy during the day so it's mostly night time movement.  I can feel movement mostly on my left side.  I'm not sure if that means the baby's feet are in that direction or not.  I know the baby has a built in jungle gym right now because of the space it has to move around so I'm sure the baby will flip a million more times.

No real strange cravings if you ask me but Travis corrected me when we were out at dinner with friends the other night.  I guess Klaussin spear pickles, sausage and BLTs are "strange" cravings.  lol.  Sounds delicious and completely normal to me.

Brooke Fletcher is our pregnancy angel.  lol.  She (and Drew) was nice enough to spend an entire day with us to help us register, not to mention walk me through every single question no matter how ridiculous it may be.  Man, baby registry is WAY harder than bridal registry.  Thankfully we have so many helpful friends that have kids or are pregnant.  I don't know how we would have navigated it without help.  We are offically registered at:

Babies R Us
Buy Buy Baby
Pottery Barn Kids

Thank you to everyone who made suggestions on cameras!  This is our next prebaby purchase and ya'll have been a huge help.

Til Next Time... All of our love.

Michelle & Travis

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