Baby Pictures

Baby Pictures
Baby at 12 week sonogram

Friday, January 21, 2011

Any Camera Suggestions??

Can anyone make a suggestion for a good camera/video camera?  Travis and my old camera- Olympus 7.1- is on it's death bed.  Never mind the fact that my CELL PHONE has higher pixel resolution than this camera.

I would like a high quality camera without having to take hours of training classes & ten million attachments.  I would also like something with a built in video camera.  We just would like something that allows us to take 2-5 minutes of video, maybe a little more, but nothing made for movie making.

We were looking at the new PEN but are open to any suggestions.

4 Months Post

Hello Friends & Family,

I was reminded by one of my favorite people that I have not updated my Baby Blog in a while.  At least I know SOMEONE is reading my blog.  Lol.

Currently at week 17!  It's going by so quickly!

Four months along and all is well.  I shouldn't complain but I felt better my first trimester than I did during week 15, 16, & 17.  My midwife says this should go away by week 20.  My progesterone levels are just extremely high right now.  A little frustrating reading my pregnancy books that keep telling me how GREAT I should be feeling right now.

Travis & I decided to go ahead and do pre-screening (which just means early testing for birth defects and things of that nature).  The lab called back and said we couldn't have gotten better results and she wish she could call everyone with these types of results, so we consider ourselves very lucky.  Maybe we are just two overly worried first time parents but the results were a big relief.

We find out the sex of the baby on Feb. 9th!  We cannot wait.  I really admire those parents who are cool enough not to find out.  But cool we are not, I guess.

As for the pregnancy, the baby still loves meat, pickles, and milk .  Travis has been completely amazing and feeds the beast every morning with scrambled eggs & sausage.  I am working in my fruits & veggies with my other meals but try to avoid fruit first thing in the morning with no meat on my stomach.

I felt the baby move for the first time the other night.  We were laying in bed and I felt a few rumblings that were not gas.  It's like a rolling, tingling sensation.  The books say some people are able to feel the baby as early as 15 weeks and I have friends who have felt (even their first baby) by week 15.  It seems like the baby is more active when I'm laying down at night or taking bathes at night.  Not a good sign for future sleepless nights.